Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July

We had a happy forth of July! I love the forth of July. I love the weather, the food, the fireworks, and the fun. And it's not stressful because you don't have to worry about presents, and decorating, and getting dressed up. It's just paper plates, and shorts, and free fireworks shows.The cousins...The friend...Uncle Matt and Aunt SarahUncle Greg and Aunt SuzyThe Swarts...Porter with his daddy, watching his first fireworks. He loved them. He's so curious about everything. This was just one more fascinating experience. I love this little boy!At the end of a late night out...Oh, and Porter's first tooth popped through July 7th!


Kipn n' Sarah said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun and I totally love the way you put why the 4th is a great holiday, I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! Cute pictures! Brooke was the same as Porter, she LOVED them! Not freaked out by them at all. Fun day!

Harmony said...

If you guys were cute before kids, and you were, I don't think there are even words to express how cute you are now! He completes you! He is SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE!! I'm sure you are very aware of that, but I'm not his mom and I think so. He is like the perfect quintessential baby. Get him in some ads quick! I love being able to see your family through the internets! You guys are too cute.