Sunday, July 25, 2010

7 Months Old!

I finally finished my post below on our road trip and in the meantime Porter turned 7 months old. It kind of snuck up on me. I had just gotten used to the idea of Porter being 6 months old and all of the sudden its 7 months. My life has been really hectic lately so I feel like Ive missed a lot. Thank goodness for the road trip when I got to just spend 24 hours a day with Porter. Porter is beginning to develop a sense of humor like his dads. He likes to pet the cats and pull their fur but LOVES to pull their tails. Jeckle hangs around and just takes it but the other day River came around and Porter got a good hold of her tail and she didn't like it. She started whining and swatting at Porter but he just held on tight and laughed harder. I had to make him let go. So, his first teasing victim is River. I'm sure there will be more to come if he follows in his dad's footsteps. He's still army crawling but he's getting faster and stronger, he's almost ready for the army! He got his first two teeth (bottom, front) and can really bite hard. He watched his first fireworks, had his first trip to Urgent Care, went to his first birthday party, went to the beach for the first time and played in the sand for the first time, and went on his first vacation. His personality is becoming such a big part of our lives. We love him and cant wait to see him smile in the morning. Everything is more fun with Porter! I left the vacuum out and Porter decided to pick up where I left off. We're starting him early with chores!Porter LOVES water! Here he is taking a bath and LOVING it!

Porter loves dogs. My friend, Gretchen's, dogs are the best with babies. They played with Porter and tickled him. Here is a video of Porter laughing at the dogs but unfortunately I didn't get video of them playing with him.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Road Trip

We took a short vacation last weekend. This was our first road trip since Porter was born. It was so nice to not have anything to do but just hang out with my husband and baby. I was worried how Porter would be spending so much time in the car, but he did great (thanks to a little help from a portable DVD player). This actually ended up being my favorite part just to sit in the backseat and play with Porter while Tom drove. Our first stop was Solvang...Porter and Connor amazed at the big bubbles...Next stop, Hurst Castle... Just look at these tourists! Is that Angela & Cam?Johnathan?Jannene & Connor?Let me in the pool, dad!The entire gang: Johnathan, Jannene, Connor, me, Porter, Tom, Angela, Cam, and baby Pittman. Next stop, our Moss Landing beach house, just north of Monterrey. This was the most serene place. In the mornings it was misty and felt almost mystical. This group of beach condos was the only thing on the beach and the town was small. In fact, we called for pizza the first night and they didn't even know where we were. The perfect place to escape from the rest of the world! Here's Tom and Porter standing on the patio... Porter and I watching the dolphins ride the waves first thing in the morning (Porter's choice, not mine)...The view from our living room window...Our last stop was the Monterrey Aquarium. Everything is so much more fun with a baby. Porter is just beginning to be curious. I cant wait for more fun with Porter.Our treasures in the oyster shell....And the proud mamas...The famous Cannery Row...Back to home... What a great break from the every day life! I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband, a beautiful baby, and great friends!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Trip to the Beach

Porter and I tagged along with the Wilkes to the beach on Saturday. This was Porter's first trip to the beach, first time to see the ocean (other than on tv), and first time to play with sand.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July

We had a happy forth of July! I love the forth of July. I love the weather, the food, the fireworks, and the fun. And it's not stressful because you don't have to worry about presents, and decorating, and getting dressed up. It's just paper plates, and shorts, and free fireworks shows.The cousins...The friend...Uncle Matt and Aunt SarahUncle Greg and Aunt SuzyThe Swarts...Porter with his daddy, watching his first fireworks. He loved them. He's so curious about everything. This was just one more fascinating experience. I love this little boy!At the end of a late night out...Oh, and Porter's first tooth popped through July 7th!