Porter rolled over today! Take a look....
Porter's new favorite toy: the Baby Einstein exersaucer. This is perfect for him right now. He can stand up and he can play with his toys. He likes to push the animal sound buttons and spin the slot machine wheels. Mom and Porter's first matching outfits...
First yard work: watering the lawn with Grandma Care and almost giving mom a shower while taking the picture.
Favorite movies: Baby Mozart and Best of Sesame Street. Porter loves Ernie!
3 years ago
O my goodness he is getting SO BIG!!! I can't believe that he is rolling over, isn't he still a newborn?
He holds his head up SO GOOD and he is such a cute little stud! Love all the pictures and SUNNY ARE YOU LOOSING LIKE A TON OF WEIGHT??? You look GREAT in that picture!
Cute post! I should check out that Sesame Street video!
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