Wyatt Farr Richins was born on February 15, 2012 at 8:15am. He weighed 7 lbs 9 oz. and was 20" long. He was born perfect and healthy. He is a good baby and good sleeper for the most part. Porter and Grandma Sue were the first to come and visit us in the hospital. They came the same day Wyatt was born. Porter brought a stuffed Thomas train to give to Wyatt and Wyatt gave Porter Diesel and Patrick (Thomas trains). Porter was very excited about Diesel and Patrick but not so excited about Wyatt.
Two of my good friends, Denise and Jannene, took a turn staying the night with me in the hospital and helping with Wyatt. I am lucky to have such good friends. This is Denise with Wyatt the first night.
Cousins, Liam and Allie, visiting us in the hospital.
Getting ready to take Wyatt home.
The drive home from the hospital with Wyatt for the first time.
Our first day home with Wyatt.
Porter actually has a lot of love for Wyatt. When Wyatt cries, Porter pats him on the head and says, "It's ok". Sometimes he wants to hold Wyatt too. I hope their love for each other only grows.
Porter helping me give Wyatt a bath.
Look at this multi-tasking dad! Tom holding Wyatt and drying off Porter.
Porter got a shark towel and dragon towel from Grandma Care. He loves to wear these towels and pretend to scare us. The more we scream the better.
Tom holding Wyatt and Jeckel and playing with Porter.
For my birthday we took our first trip with Wyatt to Solvang. We stayed the night in Solvang and picked up an antique bed we bought last summer but couldn't fit in my car. This is a rainbow we saw on the way up. It was even more beautiful in person and I swear we saw the end of the rainbow, but no gold.
Both boys sleeping in the car on the way to Solvang.
3 years ago
congrats again! and what a nice birthday present to get a healthy baby boy!
Congrats Sunny and Tom!! So excited for you! Wyatt is such a little cutie! :)
So cute! Hopefully we will see those cute boys in person sometime soon! XOXOXOX
What cute Boys !! Can't wait to meet little Wyatt Farr.
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