Learning to take a bath in the big bath since all we had was the sink at our old house.
Playing trains with cousins.
Watching and learning from cousin Liam. Porter already loves the computer.
Playing stickers and trains with his best friend, Porter.
Playing with Jeckel. Porter is good about being kind to other kids but he does bully Jeckel around. However, Jeckel sticks around to take it when he could leave the room like the other two cats. I think he's just glad to get the attention. Porter does love Jeckel and Jeckel loves Porter.
We have been having Family Home Evening almost every Monday night. Well, I guess it's not so much Family "Home" Evening as it is Family "Out" Evening. This was our Monday night at the Mexican Circus in town. We waited in line to ride the llama and then when it was Porter's turn the guy looked past us and asked if anyone else wanted to ride the ponies. When we said, "he does!" (pointing at Porter), the guy said jokingly, "he's too big." I think they were wondering what we were doing at the Mexican Circus when we obviously weren't Mexican.
Family "Out" Evening at the Angels baseball game. Porter's first baseball game.
Family "Out" Evening in Chino looking at the cows, goats, and chickens.
Oh, and rocks.
Discovering Thomas the Train apps on Da's phone. Porter loves playing with his Da.
Family "Out" Evening at the Chino Airport. Tom told Porter this helicopter was Harold, one of the Thomas the Train characters. Porter was in love with the helicopter after that but didn't want to leave until we took off the cover over the helicopter's nose so that he could see Harold's face. We had to convince Porter that Harold was sleeping and we couldn't wake him up.
Having fun at the airport hangers.
Running around at the airport.
Playing with Brooke. Sarah and I took our little munchkins out a couple days in a row. First, to Dos Lagos, then to the Irvine Park. Everyone we talked to asked us if Brooke and Porter were twins. Brooke is 5 months older than Porter but they are both about the same size and both cute little blondies. These two looked so cute running around together but they wouldn't slow down long enough for me to get a good picture of them together. A few crazy photos is all I could get.
Looking forward to Halloween.
Porter will be 21 months old on Monday 9/19. Time flies! This last month it seems like the flood gates of words and understanding have been opened. He is curious about everything and when I give him a word for something he remembers it and repeats it. One night I told him there was a dinosaur on his shirt. In the morning he got up and looked in the mirror and said "d-saur". I couldn't believe that he remembered me telling him there was a dinosaur on his shirt the night before. His favorite words are all of the names of the Thomas and the Train and Friends. For awhile I wondered if he knew any other words. His favorite train is Gordon. He says this name constantly and Gordon seems to come up in a lot of conversations and even when he talks in his sleep. The name is kind of starting to wear on me. I'm almost thinking Gordon is a good name for a boy if we have a boy. Which, by the way, my ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby is in less than 2 weeks, Thursday 9/29. I have been far enough along this month to go to a private ultrasound place and find out the sex of the baby but I have just decided to wait. My life is so busy, waiting actually makes me feel like something isn't rushing by. Although this pregnancy already seems to be going faster than when I was pregnant with Porter. The only thing I really want to buy this time it a double stroller. Well, and be into our new house (I guess that's a pretty big one).
But, back to Porter... He really has turned into a toddler. It's a whole new experience that makes me question if I'm a good mother or not. Especially when I am in public and Porter is running around while everyone elses kids are sitting quietly. He has high energy and a bright smile but when he doesn't get something he wants he arches his back and lays on the floor and cries. Porter and I started going to a class called "Musical Munchkins". Porter is so good at listening to the teacher and following her directions. He loves the music and dances and marches and plays along. However, when she handed out maracas and he wasn't first he threw a temper tantrum and when she let all the kids touch her tambourine and he couldn't hold the tambourine he threw a temper tantrum. Hopefully this class will teach him some patience. I'm excited for the next class.
Porter's 2 year molars have come in. He has been back to the teething phase of chewing on everything. His favorite thing to chew on is a tooth brush. He brushes his teeth morning, noon, and night. His teeth should be very clean!
He is still a bad eater. He won't try new things and only likes crunchy things like crackers, cookies, chips, and granola bars. His main supply of nutrition is PediaSure.
Porter hates wearing shoes. He hates sitting if we are not moving, unless we are watching a movie. He LOVES to play with trains, especially Thomas the Train. He loves to watch movies in my car and walks me out to my car some nights because he wants to watch a movie in my car. One night he brought me my purse and then started waving and blowing kisses to Sue and Tom like we were leaving together. So, Porter and I went out to the car and watched a movie. Porter loves his mom and dad. I think he is a mama's boy but he loves to play with his dad and says "da" more than "ma". Sometimes when he wants his dad to play with him he yells really loud, "DA!". Sometime he yells this when Tom's not even home. Tom makes up stories to play with the trains and makes everything fun. Porter's new word that he says really clearly is "water". He likes to take walks and ride in his little red car. He likes to swing and jump on the trampoline. He usually wants me to help him jump but just yesterday we went out to the trampoline and he bent his knees and jumped up really well. I was impressed. He had a big smile on his face and kept doing it. I think he is going to be a jumper!
I fall more in love with Porter every day. He keeps getting cuter and cuter. Every age I say, "this is my favorite age!" I wonder when I going to stop saying that. Friends say that is about 11 years old when they stop being cute and start being teenagers. I really hope Porter and I always stay close and that he is a good kid. I wish I knew what the secret was.
3 years ago
That is a good lookin' kid you have there. Also, thank you for the awesome gal bladder photo.
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