Porter turned 10 months old this week. He's really turning into a little boy. I can see the gears turning as he thinks about things. And I can tell he understands more of what we are saying and what is going to happen next. He is trying more to mimic us. If we do something, he will try to do it. He can do "the sunshine" and makes noises with his hand and mouth. He of course still loves to do raspberries and he can make sounds with his tongue. His main words (sounds) are Ba, ba, ba.... Ma, ma, ma.... Da, da, da... and He, he, he. Lately his favorite word is Ba, ba, ba. I wonder what "ba" is? He has an opinion and knows what he wants. I'm realizing what a push over I am and who is really in charge. I am just here to serve him!
Angela and Cam had their baby this month. Here is me holding baby Chloe. It just makes me realize how much Porter has grown.
Porter's fascination lately is toilet paper!
During General Conference, Porter practiced his toilet papering skills on his parents' bathroom. Not bad!
Then his daddy taught him how to really watch Conference...
Everett and Porter in the shopping cart at Costco. What cuties!
Everett and Porter watching the water at Downtown Disney...
Best Buds! You can already see the trouble in their eyes! We are in for it!
What cute dads! Tom and Tristan are great dads. These little boys are lucky to have such great dads.
Porter's first chair. From Grandpa Blair.
This baby loves water! He cant get enough.
Brown Bear...
Caught a fish...
Watching the BYU game together with matching jerseys...
Porter's almost a year old. I can hardly believe it! By the time he turns one I hope that he is sleeping through the night, eating real food, and walking. We'll see what the next two months have in store!
3 years ago
WOW, Sunny! What a great bunch if pics! Yes, he is a really cutie, Porter that is. Sleeping through the night and eating real food are very realistic goals! Love to you all, Joanne
He is SO CUTE, SO FUN!!!!!! I love his cute little personality, I really want him and Brooke to play WAY MORE Often!!! I can't believe he is now 10 months old!!!! Seriously can't believe it! O I love this kid!
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