Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
9 months
Porter is 9 months old. The next 3 months should be exciting months. Porter is a little ball of energy. He's curious and loves exploring new places. He has discovered the cat door, the trash can in the laundry room that he can tip over and find new treasures, the washing machine, opening the kitchen drawers, crawling up stairs, and crawling under and around almost anything he can fit through. He loves to follow the vacuum cleaner around the house but when we tried to teach him how to push it he just gave us a look like, "Nice try! I'm not doing chores!" He still loves TV. He seems to understand more and more. He helps put on and off his car seat and clothes by pulling his arms in or changing the hand that his toy is in. Porter has gained a couple of pet names. "Brown Bear" is Porter's favorite pet name. I think he answers quicker to "Brown Bear" than "Porter". We call this his Indian name. This pet name developed from his love of the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". I love that book. I can read it to him even if I don't have the book with me. And if I forget any of the words or run out of words I can just make up more things that Brown Bear sees! Just saying the words to this book usually calms Porter down. When its time for bed we say "Bedtime for Bonzo!" or when its time for a bath we say "Bath time for Bonzo!". Porter doesn't really like this pet name because it usually means he's done playing. He had his 9 month check up on Wednesday and the stats are: Height: 28.5" (60%), Weight: 20.2 oz. (45%). The doctor says that we need to feed him more! I don't know how that's possible. He can down three containers of Gerber baby food like its no big deal. The doctor said to try mixing breast milk with the baby food because breast milk contains more fat to fatten him up (I wish I had that problem!). Speaking of breast milk, Porter is back to waking up every 4 hours in the night to eat. How did we get back to this?! Maybe he really is hungry! I am going to try feeding him more during the day and hopefully he will decide that he doesn't need to eat during the night anymore. Good thing he is so cute! Gotta love this baby!!
Porter's baby doctor, Cherise, taking care of him after facing planting and filling his mouth with so much blood we couldn't even see where it was coming from. We were looking on the ground for missing teeth. Luckily it was just a cut on the gums.
Friends Jannene & Connor and Sarah & Brooke.
Playing with Everett.
Exploring.... The washing machine.
Exploring the cat door. "Why is this cat door so small?" Where did those cats go?!"
Playing with cousins... Liam
and Allie.
Watching the airplanes with daddy.
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 8:23 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
8 month old portrait
This is Porter's 8 month old portrait that was taken at Babies-R-Us. I had high hopes of having portraits taken every month but that never happened. I'm still kind of kicking myself for not doing it. Tom says that the candid photos are better anyways. I don't know if I agree with that or not, however, I am excited that I have booked the same photographer that did Porter's newborn shots to do his one year old shots. I hope they will be great again.
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 10:22 AM 4 comments