Porter turned 8 months old on Thursday. This month he has gone from army crawling to crawling with his belly off the ground. He can pull himself up to standing and can sit and crawl like its no big deal. He is also much more adventurous. He wants to look in things and around things. I can tell he has a mechanical mind the way he studies everything he touches. His favorite toys are cables, extension chords, strings, the hose extension on the faucet, my purse, Grandma Sue's pedometer, the American flag, and other baby toys like that. He likes books and can turn the pages with a little help. He also has developed a fascination with the camera and seems to understand that we are taking pictures of him. Porter has become better at entertaining himself and the biggest miracle of all is that he is finally sleeping through the night; thanks to a little help from a case of thrush and my mom's persistence. He has also become a good eater and seems to actually enjoy baby food. His favorite food I would say is apples. Maybe that's because I eat so many apples my breast milk tastes like apples. Porter has six teeth! The first two teeth came in like it was no big deal but it seems to become more painful with each tooth. He has also started grinding his teeth! Porter loves dogs and likes pulling the cats tails. Dogs barking and cats meowing make him laugh. Porter got his first cold this month, took his second trip to urgent care, and went on his first nursing strike which lasted five days. We lowered the crib to the middle setting now that he can stand up and bought him a musical table to play at. Porter has become very observant and has started copying Tom by opening and closing his hand in front of his face to put himself to sleep. Now that I know he'll copy us I want to teach him to wave. Porter is the apple of my eye. I love him to pieces and could spend every minute of the day with him. I actually wish I could. Since I cant Ill just try to make the most of every minute I can spend with him!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
8 months old
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 9:31 PM 4 comments
Stake Champions!
Its hard for Tom, the cats, or any one else to make it on my blog lately but our ward won the stake softball tournament so I think that deserves a post on my blog! Tom was the first baseman. Here are some great photos that our friend Diana Hunt took of him.
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 5:19 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Pajama Party!!!
Porter had a pajama party with his friends Connor and Everett last night. I can't wait to show these pictures to them when they are older. What cute babies! Everett (9 months) - Porter (8 months) - Connor (14 months)
Down. Set. Hike!!!
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Story Time
Porter, Porter, What do you see?
I wanted to film Porter turning the pages of his books, but I got a surprise of my own. Porter has developed a facination with the camera.
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Proud to be an American
Grandma Sue bought the grandkids these flags on the fourth of July. Porter played with his flag and then I put it in a junk drawer in my office. A few weeks later, as Porter was going through the drawers in my office he found his flag and was delighted. Since then, it has become Porter's ritual to make a b-line for my office drawer as soon as he is put in his walker to find his flag. Every night I put the flag back in my office drawer so it is there for him the next morning.
One day, he could not part with his flag and so it went to Denise's house with him for the day and then didn't make it back home that night. Tom knew Porter would go for my office drawer in the morning so he put Porter's giraffe in the drawer instead. In the morning, when Porter found his giraffe instead of his flag in the drawer he was very disappointed. He kept looking for the flag in other drawers but finally gave up. I was so sad for him so I made sure to get his flag back from Denise that day. Porter seems to grow more and more attached to this flag. If he is holding his flag and you try to take it away from him he becomes very upset. So, this flag has got to take a bath with Porter, sleep with Porter, and eat with Porter.
Every night the flag goes back in my office drawer so it is there for Porter when he goes to find it in the morning. It's amazing to me that Porter remembers where the flag is kept every day. I also wonder why he loves this flag so much. Is it because his Grandma Sue gave it to him? Is it because it come from my office so he thinks it's mine? Or is he just proud to be an American? It makes me want to sing "Proud to be an American" to him every time I see him waving his flag around.
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 3:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 6, 2010
Porter loves dogs. This is Dizzy the dog who was given to Porter by our neighbor, Wayne. He is the best neighbor ever! He is the glue that keeps our neighbors connected and in on the neighborhood gossip. Wayne also taught me everything I know about sprinklers. Porter says "Thanks for the dog, Wayne!"
Posted by Sunny and Tom Richins at 4:07 PM 2 comments