Last weekend Porter turned 6 months old. I know I say this every month, but this month is my favorite so far! This is what I pictured a baby would be like. He is so fun and playful and lovey and happy. He's acting like he wants to crawl and lifted up his belly for the first time today. He doesn't let that stop him though, he gets around by rolling and scooting and turning. The walker makes him even more mobile and he loves that. The walker is also where he likes to poop and is in fact the only place he likes to poop these days. I think that being more mobile has made him more content and happy. This month Tom also went back to work so now onto our day care plans. I'm glad that he is 6 months old before we have to leave him with someone else because he is less fragile and helpless. He can hold us his head and roll over and scoot himself around and almost sit up by himself. We have started to try and feed him solid foods but he is not taking onto them yet. Porter weighs 18.4 pounds and is wearing 12 month clothes!
Applesauce... yum!
Waiting for Grandma Sue.
First time in the swimming pool.Last weekend was also Tom and my 7 year anniversary and Tom's first Father's Day. We had a great weekend. This is a very busy but happy time in our lives. On Father's Day it was almost as if Porter couldn't wait to wake Tom up to wish him a Happy Father's Day. I guess he didn't remember that the Father's Day present was supposed to be letting his dad sleep in! We laid in bed all morning and played. It was great!
Me and my dad on his first Grandfather's Day with Porter...
Today we took a trip to Urgent Care because Porter had an infected toe nail. Yesterday his toe looked red but this morning it was swollen and oozing. The doctor had to pull back the toe nail to empty the puss. I held Porter's foot and watched while Tom held Porter's hands and cried with him. We got some antibiotics and Epsom salt and are on our way to healing Porter's big toe.
Today was also our friend, Connor's first birthday. This is Connor and Porter being entertained by Tom, the baby comedian. Happy Birthday Connor!
3 years ago